Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The African in Canada The Maroons of Jamaica and Nova Scotia (Updated)

Published 1890

Papers relative to the settling of the Maroons in His Majesty's province of Nova Scotia  (1798)

"Negro slavery disappeared from the Province of Nova Scotia during the latter part of last century, without legislative enactment, by
what Judge Haliburton, in his history of Nova Scotia, calls " latent
abandonment beneficial to the country." There remained a number
of emancipated provincial slaves and still more Africans who escaped
to Nova Scotia from the United States. These latter people were
called " Loyal Negroes." In 1821 a party of nearly one hundred of
them emigrated to Trinidad. But before this, on the founding of
Sierra Leone on the west coast of Africa, about twelve hundred went
there, arri>dng in 1792. Four years after this, three ships entered
the harbour of Halifax, laden with the most extraordinary cargoes
that ever entered that port. Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, then in
command at Halifax, boarded the Dover, was met by Colonel W. D.
Quarrell, Commissary- General of Jamaica, with whom Mr. Alexander
Ouchterlony was associated, and a detachment of the 96th Regiment
drawn up on board to receive him. Black men of good proportions
with many women and children, all in neat uniform attire, were
mustered in lines. Other transports, the Mary and Anne, were, his
Highness was infornjed, about to follow, and the main cargo was six
hundred Maroons exiled from Jamaica with soldiers to guard them
and meet any attacks from French vessels on the voyage.

The Prince was struck with the fine appearance of the black men,
but the citizens had heard of how Jamaica had been harried by its
black banditti, and were unwilling at first to have them added to
their population. When the Spaniards first settled in the Antilles in
1509, it is estimated by Las Casas, Robertson, ami other historians
that the Indian inhabitants amounted to ten million souls, but by the
 exercise of the utmost atrocities, these were melted away until none
remained to work as slaves in the mines or in the fields. "

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